
Hello!! My name is Pawan Agarwal – Master’s Degree holder in field of Construction Management (Civil) and owner of Enjoy Till Your Last Breathe!

I’ve always wondered and wandered with a thought of living a Life of less worries and much peace of mind. I’m not much of a book reader or a blogger but i do like to share my views & thoughts to the people whom i cross across.

Using this domain as one of the sharing sources, I’m going to bring down the thoughts and ideas flowing into my so called Brain which i sometimes use to think vulnerably causing a little restlessness at times. Jokingly, please do bear with me and my thoughts if you didn’t get with it else there’s always a opening for the appreciation.

I believe Wondering Can Make You Do Wonders. With this belief I hope i can impart some of wondering into you and to make a happy place around.

Amazing author. Who gives you an insight of various things happening around us through his experiences!

Hetal M